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만성폐쇄성폐질환 환자를 위한 치료약제 처방행태 조사연구
Study on Prescribing Patterns in Patients with Chronic Congestive Pulmonary
Disease in South Korea

2020년 Vol.6 No.02

편석원1, 방준석2*
1(주)메디플러스, 2숙명여자대학교 약학대학
Sug Won Pyun1, Joon Seok Bang2*
1Mediplus Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea
2College of Pharmacy, Sookmyung Women's University, Republic of Korea
Objective: This study was aimed to investigate medication prescribing patterns on
the patients with COPD by the claim data of Korea Health Insurance Review and
Assessment Service. Method: The collected electronic data were classified into 3
groups, analyzing general characteristics of the data, demographic traits, formulation
properties, and specific drug-use behaviors. Results: Orally medicated patients were
82.19%, which was much higher than inhalant. Demographic data showed that the
percentage of the elderly over 61 years of age clearly increased in pure COPD patient
data rather than the overall data, which was significantly increased in the tiotropium
data. Conclusion: These results will be applied to build the rational, efficient
regimens of the respiratory medications in the future and also will be a theoretical
background in the course of new drug development in both clinical and industrial
Diabetes self-care, Diabetes mellitus Type 2, HbA1c, Community pharmacy, Pharmacy diabetes care program