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스마트 헬스케어산업 약사양성을 위한 교육프로그램
Educational Programs for Pharmacists in Smart Healthcare Industry

2022년 Vol.8 No.02

김양우1*, 맹지혜2
1한국보건복지인재원, 2약학정보원
Yang-woo Kim1* and Jeehye Maeng2
1Korea Human Resource Development Institute for Health & Welfare
2Korea Pharmaceutical Information Center
COVID-19 has resulted in increased interest and demand for smart health care. As contactless interaction has become the new normal, digital transformation, which is the core of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is approaching speedily. Digital revolutions such as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data are demanding a rapid switch in the pharmacist society. Therefore, the healthcare industry is in need of pharmacists who can adapt to the smart healthcare paradigm change. In this study, education programs for pharmacists have been developed as a resource for pharmacists in the smart healthcare industry.
Smart healthcare, Big data, Educational program, HRD, Pharmacist