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2021년 부천시 분회에서 보고한 환자안전사고 보고 및 그에 따른 처방중재 활동에 대한 분석 및 고찰
Analysis and Review of Patient Safety Incidents and Associated Prescription Interventions Reported by Bucheon City Branch of Kyeonggido Pharmaceutical Association in 2021

2022년 Vol.8 No.02

Taehyuk Kwon*
Heemang Pharmacy
Objectives: This study analyzed the patient safety incidents reported by Bucheon City branch of Kyeonggido Pharmaceutical Association in 2021 to discuss possible methods preventing those incidents in the future. Also, the study examined the effects of pharmacy interventions made for those reported patient safety incidents. Methods: Data were collected from the patient safety incidents reported by Bucheon City branch of Kyeonggido Pharmaceutical Association from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. Results: Out of 123 reported patient safety incidents, 114 (92.5%) occurred in outpatient clinics and 9 (7.3%) in pharmacy. According to the specialty, 70 (63.6%) cases were from otolaryngology, 15 (12.2%) from neurology, and 7 (6.4%) from internal medicine. Among 123 incidents, 101 (82.1%) cases were intervened, and the drug formulations mostly involved in the interventions were tablets (n=68, 60.2%), syrups (n=15, 13.3%), and eye drops (n=5, 4.4%). There were 51 (40.2%) cases due to incorrect dosage or duration of therapy, 21 (16.5%) due to incorrect drug, 16 (12.6%) due to omission of drug or dosage. Also, there were four cases in which more than two errors were found in one prescription. All patient safety incidents were considered near misses; therefore, none of them led to patient harm. Conclusion: The study assessed the type and frequency of patient safety incidents and demonstrated that patient harm may be prevented through appropriate pharmacy interventions.
Patient safety, Adverse drug events, Pharmacy interventions