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약사회-약학대학 지역사회약료 실무실습 시범사업 활동보고 및 개선방안
Report and Improvement Direction of the Activity of the Pharmaceutical Association and the College of Pharmacy in Community Pharmaceutical Care Services Practical Education

2022년 Vol.8 No.02

유현주1, 김성남1, 송석찬1, 안화영1, 신수영2*, 이숙향2*
1경기도 약사회, 2아주대학교 약학대학
Hyunju Yoo1, Sungnam Kim1, Seokchan Song1, Hwayoung Ahn1, Sooyoung Shin2*, and Sukhyang Lee2*
1Gyeonggido Pharmaceutical Association, 2Ajou University College of Pharmacy
Objectives: Polypharmacy has been increasing to manage complex chronic diseases in our aging society. Accordingly, provision of appropriate pharmaceutical care is emerging as a major role of pharmacists to improve patient outcomes and safety. This study evaluates a pilot project involving the collaboration between Gyeonggido Pharmaceutical Association’s community pharmaceutical care service and Ajou University College of Pharmacy’s pharmacy practice experience. Methods: A total of 17 6th year pharmacy students from Ajou University College of Pharmacy carried out pharmacy practice experience in a group of two by accompanying pharmacists from Gyeonggido Pharmaceutical Association’s community pharmaceutical care service from May 23, 2022 to July 1, 2022. Results: Pharmacy practice experience was conducted 25 times in total, including 12 sessions (48%) on safe drug use, 12 (48%; addictive drugs, alcohol, tobacco) on drug abuse, and one (4%) on career in pharmacy. The survey response rate was 65.5%, and student participation and attitude toward the experience were rated as “very good” and “good” by 89.5% and 10.5% of the respondents, respectively. Conclusion: Through this project, pharmacy students were given the opportunity to build a mentor-mentee relationship with practicing pharmacists. They also acquired effective communication skills needed in pharmacist-patient relationship by shadowing the pharmacists. Based on this study, a new community pharmaceutical care model could be established by linking a pharmacist association and pharmacy students.
Community pharmaceutical care service, Pharmaceutical association, Pharmacy practice experience, Pharmacy students