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지역약국 실무실습 프리셉터를 위한 가이드
A Guide for Community Pharmacy Practice Experience Preceptors

2021년 Vol.7 No.02

JeeMi Lim*
Homecare Goodmorning Pharmacy
With the implementation of the 6-year curriculum in the College of Pharmacy in South Korea since 2011, practical training is compulsory, and all pharmacy students are obliged to carry out 200 hours of practical training at community pharmacies. Community pharmacy preceptors have to maintain professionalism as well as communication skills and ethical care in the treatment of patients to fulfill professional social responsibilities. The community pharmacy preceptor is someone who educates, supervises, and plays an important role in strengthening the students’ practical ability to work in the community pharmacy. Therefore, students’ introductory community pharmacy practice experience can be greatly enhanced. Herein, a community pharmacy practical training preceptor guide is presented in 10 modules to guide the professional role of preceptors and help students in pharmacy practice experience training. For successful implementation of pharmacy practice experience training, effective and appropriate guide should be developed and analyzed for pharmacy preceptors in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitude. This manual presents a technical communication document for preceptors working in the community pharmacy, the primary experts whose role is to prevent and treat diseases through patient consultation.
Preceptor, Pharmacy student, Pharmacy experiential education, Community pharmacy