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프로프라놀롤의 다양한 효능효과의 이해
Understanding the Various Effects of Propranolol

2021년 Vol.7 No.01

Hyunji Koo*
Jongmun pharmacy, Seoul 03081, Republic of Korea

Propranolol, a non-selective beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist, is known to be a representative old drug. In the 1960s, it was developed as a treatment for hypertension, but now, selective beta-1 blockers with high cardiac selectivity are recommended for hypertension treatment, and the role of propranolol as a treatment for hypertension is gradually fading. However, even today propranolol is prescribed for many diseases other than high blood pressure. It is not only used for approved indications such as tachycardia prevention, arrhythmia, and adjuvant therapy for the thyrotoxicosis, but also for off-label uses such as essential tremor, migraine prevention, anxiety, and hemangiomas. Since propranolol’s efficacy and effects are diverse, it is important that pharmacists correctly understand the patients’ disease states and provide guidance on the proper use to optimize efficacy and safety of propranolol to patients.

Propranolol, approved indicatons, off-label uses