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공적마스크 판매 수량에 미치는 요인 분석
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Sales Volume of Public Masks during the Pandemic Period in Korea

2020년 Vol.6 No.02

경기지부 부천시분회, 아름다운약국
Eunjoo Choi*
The Gyeonggi-do Bucheon-si Pharmaceutical Association
From the beginning of March to July 10, 2020, pharmacies in Korea faced the
unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak, and sold public masks for government and
public affairs. There has been a lot of confusion from the beginning of the supply of
public masks, and sales guidelines have changed from time to time. Accordingly, as
a pharmacist who managed a pharmacy that participated in the sale of public masks,
data were collected and analyzed to examine the factors that influence the sales of
public masks. The sales period of the public mask was a little over 4 months, but
there were various changes during this period. First, there was a change in the supply
of public masks, the second was the sales guidelines of public masks, that is, the
government’s guidelines changed from time to time, the third was a change in the
number of confirmed cases, the fourth was a change in climate, and the fifth was
other than public masks in the market. There was a change in the number of masks.
This study was limited in that it was not possible to perform multi-angle analysis.
Once the sale of public masks was carried out on a 5 subsidiary basis, the timing of
inputting into the HIRA website was after a lot of confusion, and after that, it was a
point of stabilization to some extent, and the period from March to July fluctuated
greatly in the average temperature. This was a period in which consumers’ purchase
intentions shifted from quarantine masks to splash-blocking or dental masks with
the decrease in confirmed cases. For more clear research, it is considered necessary
to conduct a survey on changes in consumers’ consciousness. However, in spite of
these various problems, if the time comes to sell public masks at pharmacies again,
it is the first to appropriately adjust the sales guidelines according to the supply
in consideration of the fact that the sales volume varies according to the sales
guidelines in the distribution of public masks. It will reduce confusion and
dissatisfaction compared to the first time public masks sold.
Gyeonggi Pharmaceutical Society, Knowledge management, Continuation education, Public sector, Digital technologies