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대한약국학회 2023년도 정기총회 및 정기학술대회

데이터 기반 지역약국 약료서비스의 현재와 미래

2023년 11월 26일(일) 10:00~17:00 / 한국과학기술회관 12층 아나이스홀


Younghyuk Kwon-항인지질 항체증후군-유킹스파머시 가까운약국

작성일 : 2020-11-27 오후 7:43:19     작성자 : 남윤진     조회수 : 739

Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome treatment review and preparation of 

local pharmacists 

Younghyuk Kwon 1  

College of Pharmacy 1 , Woosuk University, Wan-ju 55338, Korea 

Youkings Pharmacy 2 , Ansan, Korea 



Introduction In pregnant women, placental infarction occurs to blood clots in the placental vessels, 

and miscarriage occurring after 10 weeks is highly likely to antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. 

Anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs are administered to treat the clots. Heparin, immunoglobulin, 

high doses of methylprednisolone, and low doses of Aspirin, which have antithrombotic effects, are 

used to reduce the risk of blood clots. 


Purpose  This  study  aims  to  provide  high-quality  health  services  by  examining  the  reasons  for 

prescribing  Aspirin  to  pregnant  women  through  existing  papers,  understanding  therapeutic 

approaches, and introducing prevention methods. 


Concept In this study, while examining Aspirin, we will analyze examples of its use in obstetrics and 



Research  Pregnant  women  with  antiphospholipid  antibody  syndrome  are  treated  with  the 

combination of Aspirin and Heparin. The use of Aspirin during pregnancy should be started before 

implantation, or Aspirin alone is recommended before pregnancy for high efficacy. During delivery, 

the drug is not stopped and is maintained again for 6 to 12 weeks. 


Conclusion Pharmacists should be able to guess and make judgments by looking at the department 

and prescription drugs. If aspirin is prescribed by obstetrics and gynecology, it can be assumed and 

judged that it is taken to prevent ASP or to treat it during and after pregnancy. However, it has not 

been established that the effect of Aspirin alone therapy is clear. Therefore, it is taken with other 

anticoagulants or as a preventive measure. Knowing this situation clearly, pharmacists will have to 

deal with Aspirin prescriptions from obstetrics and gynecology.