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대한약국학회 2023년도 정기총회 및 정기학술대회

데이터 기반 지역약국 약료서비스의 현재와 미래

2023년 11월 26일(일) 10:00~17:00 / 한국과학기술회관 12층 아나이스홀


A Study on the necessity of subdividing the number of prescription days over 91 days-은혜약국

작성일 : 2020-11-27 오후 7:42:18     작성자 : 남윤진     조회수 : 574

A Study on the necessity of subdividing the number of 

prescription days over 91 days 

Jaecheol Jeong 1 , Miyeon Yang 2 , and M. KANG 3  

College of    Pharmacy 1,3 , Woosuk University, Wan-ju 55338, Korea 

Eunhye Pharmacy 2 , Samlye, Korea 


Introduction After the introduction of the relative value in 2001, the pharmacy prepared a system 

for calculating the relative value of the workload reflecting the time and intensity of work required 

for the prescription drug use, along with reviewing the appropriate classification and definition of 

the behavior for the pharmacist's preparation of health insurance benefits through a revised study 

in 2006. The subsequent  2011 revised research proposed a plan to supplement the pharmacy's 

practice description form and reclassify pharmacy preparation activities from five categories to three, 

and the results did not lead to the actual reclassification of behavior. 

Purpose The purpose of this study is to prepare an objective and balanced workload calculation 

system by reviewing the need to supplement the description of actions, define actions, and reclassify 

actions by reflecting the changing pharmacy's preparation environment. 

Method  The  big  data  analysis  system  of  the  Health  Insurance  Review  and  Assessment  Service 

received a statement containing code Z4391 (more than 91 days of prescription-eating) from 2010 

to 2018 and analyzed frequency by year by dividing it into four counties, 91-120 days, 121-150 

days, 151-180 days, and 180 days or more, depending on the number of prescription days. For a 

more comprehensive review of the frequency of pharmacy dispensing activities, the frequency of 

dispensing drugs from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service's big data opening 

system for health care was additionally checked from the 1st to 90th day of prescription drugs. 

Result Prescription cases with more than 91 days of prescription days showed 2,889,148 frequency 

cases in 2010, but reported 8,289,361 cases in 2018, showing a three-fold increase. The analysis of 

91 days or more of the preparation cases divided into four detailed sections: 91 to 120 days, 121 

to 150 days, 151 to 180 days, and 181 days or more, all showed a similar increase trend. 

  Frequency  analysis  confirms  that  the  frequency  of  long-term  prescription  dispensing  has been 

increasing continuously over 91 days compared to the past, but the need for improvement should 

be considered as the preparation for 91 days or more is currently compensated with the same score. 

Conclusion  The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  prepare  measures  for  reclassification  of  acts  in 

accordance with the increase in long-term prescription drugs. Therefore, the government analyzed 

the status of long-term prescription drugs for 91 days or more to review the appropriateness of 

the reclassification of activities, and proposed a reclassification plan that divides the number of 

preparations for 91 days or more as a result of the analysis. 

Key word: pharmacy, long-term prescription , relative value, reclassification