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대한약국학회 2023년도 정기총회 및 정기학술대회

데이터 기반 지역약국 약료서비스의 현재와 미래

2023년 11월 26일(일) 10:00~17:00 / 한국과학기술회관 12층 아나이스홀


Necessity of Introduction of Geriatric Pharmacists in Local Pharmacy-전주메디팜송정약국

작성일 : 2020-11-27 오후 7:40:42     작성자 : 남윤진     조회수 : 476

Necessity of Introduction of Geriatric 

Pharmacists in Local Pharmacy    


Yongil LEE 1 , Seokcheol Choi 2 , and M. KANG 3  

College of Pharmacy 1,3 , Woosuk University, Wan-ju 55338, Korea 

Songjeong Pharmacy 2 , Jeonju, Korea 



Introduction  As  the  elderly  age,  the  need  for  social  skills  of  the  elderly  medicine 

pharmacist is increasing. In particular, pharmacokinetic changes in absorption, distribution, 

metabolism and excretion due to aging and drug-harmful reactions due to polydrug use 

are occurring. We are examining the prescriptions of elderly patients aged 65 or older and 

examines how many of them contain geriatric medicines. 



In this study, the ratio of elderly patients to elderly people's medication prescriptions at 

local pharmacies over a certain period of time is examined to find out the need for elderly 




From October 1, 2020 to November 8, 2020, the prescriptions recorded in Pharm IT 3000 

installed  in  Jeonju  Medipharm  Songjeong  Pharmacy  were  analyzed  for  elderly  patients 

aged 65 or older. 

The  number  of  people  was  examined  by  compiling  statistics  on  chlorpheniramine, 

diazepam and antihypertensive drugs that are not listed on geriatric medicines but are 

often taken and excreted through the kidneys. 



The number of elderly patients aged 65 or older was 211 out of 367 prescriptions from 

November 2 to November 8, 2020, with a ratio of about 57.5%. In particular, in the case 

of Diazepam, which causes ataxia and hyper-diagnosis, 35 out of 211 cases, or 16.6 percent. 

Chlorpheniramine, which indicates anti-choline action, accounted for 9% with 19 cases. Conclusion   

Local pharmacists meet the elderly at a considerable rate, continuing to guide and monitor 

the medication for the elderly. Not all local pharmacies are required to qualify as elderly 

pharmacists, but pharmacies where more than 50 percent of all patients are elderly will be 

provided with optimized drug guidance services, enabling more systematic management 

of health care for senior citizens. 

In particular, in the case of blood pressure medications taken by senior citizens on a regular 

basis, although not included in geriatric drugs, more attention needs to be paid to elderly 

people with weakened kidney function due to their high interaction with NSAIDs or other 

diuretics,  and  a  survey  as  of  October  2020  found  that  about  76  medications  were 

prescribed. As such, local pharmacists meet the elderly at a considerable rate, continuing 

to guide and monitor the medication for the elderly. While not all local pharmacies require 

senior pharmacists to be qualified, pharmacies with more than 50 percent of the total 

number of patients will be provided with optimized medication guidance services, enabling 

more systematic management of the health care of the elderly.