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대한약국학회 2023년도 정기총회 및 정기학술대회

데이터 기반 지역약국 약료서비스의 현재와 미래

2023년 11월 26일(일) 10:00~17:00 / 한국과학기술회관 12층 아나이스홀


A Study on the Dept. Prescribed Narcotics and Narcotic Drug Handling in Local Pharmacy-삼정시네마약국

작성일 : 2020-11-27 오후 7:40:14     작성자 : 남윤진     조회수 : 469

A Study on the Dept. Prescribed Narcotics and  

Narcotic Drug Handling in Local Pharmacy 

SR. Lee 1,  SY. Lee 2  and M. KANG 3  

College of Pharmacy 1,3 , WS University, Wan-ju55338,Korea  

Samjung Cinema Pharmacy 2 , Sungnam, Korea 



With the recent emergence of narcotic drugs as oral drugs, prescriptions for those drugs have also become 

available  at  local  pharmacies.  Narcotic  drugs  are  divided  into  drugs  and  psychotropic  drugs,  and  the 

management methods for the two drugs are similar and different. As these drugs are dangerous, indulgent, 

and addictive drugs, the pharmacist needs to know where to use them. Consider the drug management 

tasks  that  should  be  performed  as  pharmacists  at  pharmacies  dealing  with  these  drugs. 

In  addition,  we  would  like  to  check  the  mandatory  reporting  system  of  narcotic  drug  handling  details 

implemented on May 18, 2018, understand each procedure of warehousing, preparation and disposal, and 

find out the procedures for reporting the relevant work in real time. Detailed functions of this are the 

reporting  function  of  the  pharmacy  management  program  linked  to  the  drug  control  system,  and  the 

corresponding task menus of WWW.NIMS.OR.KR are provided, so be fully aware of the use of each function 

and the composition of the management system. 



In this study, we look at narcotic drugs and their adaptations prepared in real local pharmacies through 

examples. It will also look at the narcotic drug handling reporting system, which has been in place since 

2018, from the perspective of drug retailers(pharmacist) to check their purpose and procedures. 



The case was viewed by visitors to the pharmacy and selected prescriptions containing narcotic drugs, 

psychotropic  drugs,  and  Opioid  drugs,  but  not  narcotic  drugs.  The  drug  was  then  divided  into  three 

categories above, and each prescription and indication were separated separately. 

The  handling  of  narcotics  at  pharmacies  may  be  divided  into  warehousing  (purchase  report),  storage, 

preparation (preparation report), accident drug occurrence report, and accident drug disposal. After learning 

self-produced practical training materials at the pharmacy, Narcotics Control tasks monitored the procedures 

of warehousing, storage and preparation conducted at the actual pharmacy, took pictures of the actual 

screen and became familiar with the work. Narcotic drugs found in local pharmacies can be classified as Opioid drugs, although they are not narcotic 

drugs, psychotropic, and drugs. These drugs are commonly used to control pain and are also used for sleep 

disorders and diet. The pharmacist must report all of these drugs in stock, dispensing and disposing, which 

is being managed in real time through NIMS. 



With the emergence of oral-usable narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs, local pharmacies have also 

been able to access a number of drugs. Narcotic drugs are also used as empirical prescriptions in addition 

to the stated indications, due to their nature of acting on the central nervous system. Also, the majority of 

drugs are addictive, indulgent and dependent, so it is always necessary to carefully check the incoming 

prescription carefully. 

Even before the mandatory reporting system for narcotic drug handling (2018.5.18) was implemented, 

pharmacies kept drugs separately by using waste disposal devices and iron safe. Now, through the NIMS, 

the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) have been able 

to grasp the drug enhancement of each pharmacy in real time. 


Key word: Narcotic drugs, Psychotropic drugs, Opioid drugs, NIMS, Local Pharmacist, KFDA