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피부질환에 대한 고찰: 아토피성 피부염
A Study on Skin Diseases: Atopic Dermatitis

2021년 Vol.7 No.02

김형규, 강민구, 박태은*
우석대학교 약학대학
Hyeonggyu Kim, Minku Kang, and Tae Eun Park*
College of Pharmacy, Woosuk University
In South Korea, the prevalence of atopic dermatitis has been continuously increasing. Since atopic dermatitis is associated with various risk factors and recurrent exacerbations, it requires a long-term nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapy. Therefore, pharmacists can play an important role in improving patients’ quality of life by increasing adherence to therapy through medication counseling and education. This paper summarizes etiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of atopic dermatitis so that pharmacists can provide effective counseling and education to patients with the disease.
Atopic dermatitis, Skin disease, Allergy, Atopy, Patient counseling