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부천시 약사회 자발적 약물이상반응 보고에 대한 영향요인 조사
Factors Influencing the Spontaneous Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting at Bucheon Pharmaceutical Association

2021년 Vol.7 No.02

황용연, 문지숙, 권태혁*
경기지부 부천시분회
Yongyeon Hwang, Jee Sook Moon, and Tae Hyuk Kwon*
Kyeonggido Pharmaceutical Association, Bucheon Branch
Objective: This study aimed to provide fundamental data to activate adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting at pharmacies by analyzing the perception and attitude towards spontaneous ADR reporting, contributing factors, and system obstacles and rooms for improvement. Methods: The survey was conducted online to community pharmacists at Kyeonggido Pharmaceutical Association, Bucheon Branch from April 14 to May 13, 2021. Results: Among the 66 community pharmacists who participated in the survey, respondents were most commonly in their 60 s (50.0%), and 62.1% reported using Pharm IT 3000 for the insurance claiming program in the pharmacy. The usage rate of Pharm IT 3000 was higher in high frequency ADR reporters (85.7%) and low frequency reporters (65.4%) than the non-reporter group (46.2%). When inquired on the experience of receiving education regarding the necessity and methods of ADR reporting, 48 pharmacists (72.7%) responded yes, which was more than 18 pharmacists (27.3%) who responded no, and the 13 respondents in the high frequency reporter group had the highest reported rate of education experience (92.9%). When inquired on whether or not fellow pharmacists and the pharmaceutical association encouraged ADR reporting, 69.2% of non-responders responded yes, whereas 92.3% of low frequency reporters and 100% of high frequency reporters responded yes. Regarding the obstacles for ADR reporting, lack of time and lack of psychological leeway were some of the responses. Conclusion: This is a meaningful study that was able to confirm the factors and attitudes related to ADR reporting of pharmacists in Bucheon City Branch. Promotion and education through the pharmaceutical association, improvement of reporting procedures and methods, and encouragement between fellow pharmacists are factors that could be effectively used to activate the ADR reporting of community pharmacists.
Adverse drug reaction, Adverse drug reaction reporting, Pharmacist, Community pharmacy, Pharmaceutical association