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COVID-19가 약사직능에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
A Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on Pharmacist’s Skills

2020년 Vol.6 No.02

경기도약사회 안산시분회
Jae Yun Choi*
The Gyeonggi-do Ansan-si Pharmaceutical Association
Background: The WHO declared the Public Health Emergency of International
Concern on January 30, and declared a pandemic on March 11. The sale of
unprecedented public masks has shaken not only the self-esteem of pharmacists
but also the pharmacist’s skills. Objective: In this study, by investigating the sales
status of public masks of pharmacists working in local pharmacies, analyzing the
relationship between the pharmacist’s self-esteem and pharmacist skills, and
investigating how it affects the pharmacist skills, the environment surrounding
the pharmacist in an infectious disease situation was investigated. It was
conducted to help improve and raise the status of pharmacists to establish
themselves as a trusted and respected professional. Method: In order to analyze
the relevance of this study and research problems, an online survey was
conducted for pharmacists. The survey period was conducted for 10 days from
July 20 to 30, 2020, and the results of the survey data were descriptive statistics
such as Frequency, Percentage, Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation, T-test,
ANOVA, and Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Pearson’s correlation
Analysis, Multi-regression Analysis, etc. using PASW 18.0 Package Program.
Results: In this study, the correlation between sales of pharmacists’ public masks,
self-esteem, and pharmacist function showed that the higher the average score of
all, the higher the pharmacist’s job competence. In addition, sales of public masks
and self-esteem were identified as factors influencing. Conclusion: Emphasizing
the importance of the public function of pharmacies, pharmacists should recognize
that these factors are closely related to each other, and management appropriate to
the situation of the country or local community and appropriate compensation at
the national or pharmacy level should follow. Pharmacists should try to improve
their self-esteem and their skills so that they can fulfill the role of experts in the
local community.
Pandemic, Public masks, Self-esteem, Local community, Pharmacist skills